SUB-T 16
SUB-T 16, 1957
"Halls of Ivy"
Directed by Glenn Webb
SUB-T 16, 1958
"There's Nothing Like a Dame"
Directed by Jimmy Rix
Missing from original source
SUB-T 16, 1959
"Mickey Mouse Song"
Directed by Allan Lewis
SUB-T 16, 1961
"Gaudeamus Igitur"
Directed by Allan Lewis
Original source not yet found
SUB-T 16, 1962
"Across the Wide Missouri"
Directed by Lanny Hester
Not included on original source
SUB-T 16, 1963
"Rum by Gum"
Directed by Lanny Hester
SUB-T 16, 1964
"Four Strong Winds"
Directed by Sam Morse
SUB-T 16, 1965
"Old King Cole"
Directed by Bill Southern
SUB-T 16, 1966
Directed by Walter Curry
SUB-T 16, 1967
"Nothing Like a Dame"
Directed by Charles Cayce
SUB-T 16, 1968
"Down By the Riverside"
Directed by Charles Cayce
SUB-T 16, 1969
"Eddystone Light"
Directed by Bill Gilbreth
SUB-T 16, 1970
"Sloop John B"
Directed by Guy Gamble
SUB-T 16, 1971
"Wanderin' Star"
Directed by Guy Gamble
SUB-T 16, 1972
Old McDonald"
Directed by Guy Gamble
SUB-T 16, 1973
"The Wiffenpoof Song"
Directed by Stan Wedel
SUB-T 16, 1974
"Elvis Presley Medley"
Directed by Bill Whitaker
SUB-T 16, 1975
"The Teardrop Cantina"
Directed by Stan Lambert
SUB-T 16, 1977
"Third Time for the Dame"
Directed by Doyle Walker
SUB-T 16, 1978
"The Farmer's Strike"
Directed by Mark Batson
SUB-T 16, 1979
Directed by Rus Payne
SUB-T 16, 1980
"Lumberjacks Cutting Up"
Directed by Rusty McLeskey
SUB-T 16, 1981
"Sub-T 16's Uncommon Silver Sing Song Extravaganza"
Directed by Timmy Lankis and Skip Williams
SUB-T 16, 1982
"Sub-T 16 Goes Straight"
Directed by Alvis Jones
SUB-T 16, 1983
"Sub-T Sails Again! OR A Girl in Every Port, Any Old Port in a Storm"
Directed by Alvis Jones
SUB-T 16, 1984
"Revenge of the Cabbage Patch Dolls"
Directed by Eric Howard
SUB-T 16, 1985
"Buckwheat Grows into Mr T."
Directed by Steven Mills
SUB-T 16, 1986
"He-Man: Masters of the University"
Directed by Todd Williams
SUB-T 16, 1989
"Tars and Stripes Forever"
Directed by Don Bryan
SUB-T 16, 1990
"Organized Crime"
Directed by Jeff Holland
SUB-T 16, 1991
"The King Lives"
Directed by Jeff Holland
SUB-T 16, 1992
Directed by Jeff Holland
SUB-T 16, 1993
"Aladdin and the Bluest Guys in Texas"
Directed by Daniel Crockett
SUB-T 16, 1994
"From Sesame Street to Barney"
Directed by Cayce Powell
SUB-T 16, 1996
"You've Seen Dumb and Dumber, But These Guys are Sub and Subber!"
Directed by Eric Herm
SUB-T 16, 1997
"All Greased Up and No Place to Go"
Directed by Jason Wolfe and Jason Fowler
SUB-T 16, 1998
"The Blues Brothers on a Mission"
Directed by Jason Fowler
SUB-T 16, 2000
"Pass it to Me Baby, Uh-huh, Uh-huh!"
Directed by Chad Missledine
SUB-T 16, 2001
"All Aboard the Subber Train!"
Directed by Warner Phelps
SUB-T 16, 2002
"Lord of the Flies Reminds You to Cover Your Head for Falling Coconuts"
Directed by Austin Cunningham
SUB-T 16, 2003
"Carnival Workers Invite You to Enjoy the Ride"
Directed by Austin Cunningham
SUB-T 16, 2004
"Subbers in a Half Shell"
Directed by Justin Abel
SUB-T 16, 2005
"Sesame Street Sing-A-Longs"
Directed by Justin Abel
SUB-T 16, 2008
"Out of This World"
Directed by Sheldon Busch
SUB-T 16, 2009
"Comin' Clean"
Directed by Chris Herrington and Derek Ware
SUB-T 16, 2010
"Clownin' Around"
Directed by Chris Herrington
SUB-T 16, 2011
"The Great Big Wrecking Ball Medley"
Directed by Michael McCully
SUB-T 16, 2012
"A Plotless Act Analyzing Modern Policing"
Directed by Sam Shelton
SUB-T 16, 2013
"Every Day is a Vacation When You're Retired"
Directed by Vance Cato
SUB-T 16, 2014
"From Russia With Love"
Directed by Brock Niederhoffer
SUB-T 16, 2015
"Redneck Wedding"
Directed by Barret Brown and Lane Luttrell
SUB-T 16, 2017
"Oh Subber, Where Art Thou?"
Directed by Lane Luttrell
SUB-T 16, 2018
"Ships of the Road"
Directed by Nelson Nicholson
SUB-T 16, 2019
"Finally, the Act You Have All Been Waiting For"
Directed by Nelson Nicholson
Original Act: Gamma Sigma Phi 1991
SUB T-16, 2022
Directed by Landon Talley